Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My party Saturday and events up to today.

I had a party!  there were these big round balls there that were so much fun! they werent like real balls though...lighter and they floated.  I loved them.
my gg (great grandma for those who dont know my family) and my nana (grandma) were there.  great grandpa, grandpa, and anut kathryn were there too!! It was so great!
Sarah returned, she is one of dada's friends.  And then my godfamily, the brookmans.

Presents!! for me!! woah i didnt know!!  hey let me rip that thing open! Oh neat!! a book.  I like books.  Super cool! I got a batman outift!!

mommy and daddy gave me books, george books. i like george.
Sarahs present was the COOLEST!! it was a train with animals and it made noises and you wont believe this! it had a Ferris wheel on the back of the train and it spins!! that was the best part. i like that toy.

nana and grandpa and aunt kathryn gave me this stacking tower that lights up and makes music. along with a dog!  i can sit on it walk it or feed it!

GG got me a monkey blanket and a set of blocks with a wagon.

I dont know what this awesome time is, but they put cake infront of me and expected me to eat get messy and stuff.  I dont really care to do that.  but i poked at it and let them take pictures.   They sang to me too.

At church, miss kami gave me a batman and a batmobile. it also makes noise and i like it because it moves.  and has wheels.

Mommy and i have been getting up in the mornings and going on a walk.  i like walks.  its so fun to sit and watch the stroller wheels go.  sometimes there are other people but not a lot of the time.

Today, mommy yelled at me a lot.  i dont know what i was doing.  I was playing with the sunscreen and eating it and painting on the floor with it.  I tried to eat the smell good thing because it smelled good and she yelled at me more.  Dada isnt here either so i cant play with him.

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